December 6, 2016
President Debbie Notaro opened the meeting at 12:01 pm at the Stephen D. Persinger Recreation Center.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary Gail Ellenbaum corrected that former member Shirley Remes attended for the first time. FYI: Any member that lets her membership lapse has to go through the normal new member process once again. Julie Brown noted some name misspellings.
Julie Maturo moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Julie Brown seconded. The November General Meeting minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Julie Maturo reported the current balances for the GGC checking, paypal and savings accounts.
Committee Reports:
Membership Report: Kristie Dienst welcomed new members Kelly Miller and Gail Haas with beautiful green arrangements AND a pair of gloves! Mary Ann Rosenfelder’s mom, Mary Rosinski,visited from Greenfields. This is the second meeting attendance for Sandi Bowgren, Michele Moser, Shirley Remes, and Cindy Brown. We welcomed Inactive Members attending, Pat O’Keefe and Karen Bidanset.
Ways and Means: Cathy Rex has gloves for sale for the workshop today. Vicki Deane has California Pizza Kitchen cards to raise funds for us for in November and December. They expire on December 31. Go eat and drink at this restaurant and earn money for our club!!!
Communications: Tammy Chiovari has updated the website and will add pictures from today’s workshop. Sign-up Genius is working, but she has some pen and paper signup sheets to pass around for our Garden Walk on June 16 & 17, 2017. Please be sure to sign up as we need all hands on deck for our major biannual Garden Walk! The Library Arrangement signup sheet for each month was also passed around. There are openings from February on.
Hospitality: Jane Martin welcomed everyone. Thanks to Mary Stavenhagen and her committee for this delicious and festive luncheon. Committee: Marilyn Schave, Teresa Keenan, Cheryl Gaydos, Patty Thorsen, Mary Bavolek, Dottie Rovner, Ruthie Callard, Pat Sowa and Lynne Bishop. They found compostable plates which Mary will take home to compost!
Raffle: Noel Storm thanked the following for donations for the raffle: Mary Stavenhagen, Deb Notaro and Chris McKechnie. The poinsettias along with the pinecone and birch mat will also be raffled in addition to a glass bowl arrangement.
Historians: Club members were happy to see Annette Barnes and Ginny Dushney once again together as a united force.
Community Service: Chris Shaw checked on the planters we did not do this year to be sure they have been done by others, such as the ones at the CASA and Living Well.
Garden Club Park: Linda Brodine thanked Linda Stavrou and Julie Maturo for doing a very late fall planting of hydrangeas at the Geneva Garden Club Park. The garden has been put to bed.
Garden Walk 2017: Susan Vanderveen said there are many openings for working on the gardens for next year’s Geneva Garden Club Garden Walk. We also need chairpersons for the Boutique and Plant Sale, if we are to do them. “Give of your time graciously!!!” (This secretary overheard someone say that Mary Stavenhagen would add, “Or else!”)
Big Sister: Deb Hall-Reppan made a “NEWBIE TABLE.” This way gals know who joined around the same time. Deb’s festive necklace of a string of lit retro-bulbs was duly noted! (This topped her lit sneakers from last month!)
President’s Notes: The application for the Window Box entry for the Chicago Garden Show has been done. We need someone to create the entry. They provide the window box and you fill it with dirt and plants, etc. and have a theme. You deliver the entry to Navy Pier and then can pick it up after the show. This could be a great project for a team of gals!
Noel Storm held the raffle.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:24 p.m.
The Wreath Workshop by Andrew’s Garden, a business in Wheaton, began!
Respectfully Submitted,
Gail Ellenbaum, Secretary