September 6, 2016
President Debbie Notaro called the meeting to order at 12:34 PM. The president asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes from the May 3rd meeting. Glorianne Campbell asked that Committee Report on the Plant sale be amended. The second sentence of the report should drop the “will” from the sentence and read as follows: Plants should have, etc. A motion was made by Julie Maturo to approve the amended minutes and seconded by Julie Brown.
Treasurer’s Report: Julie Maturo presented the treasurer’ report including the current balances for the checking account, PayPal checking, PayPal online, Savings, and our total assets. Julie reported that there are several service projects under consideration for board approval. One such project is the Garden Club Park.
The membership was asked to share any ideas they may have for future service projects or fund raising ideas with the board for approval, keeping in mind they must meet the criteria set forth in the Club’s Mission Statement. Julie was asked about the financial success of the Plant Sale in May at Gardenology and June at Kathy Rex’s event. She will have a final accounting for the membership in the weeks to follow.
Vice-President’s Report: Vice- President, MaryAnn Rosenfelder reviewed the upcoming club meetings and programs. All meetings will be on-site this year. Programs and directories were distributed to all members present.
Committee Reports:
Membership: Kristie Dienst: Five guests were introduced and welcomed. Kristie reported we have 78 active members and 6 inactive members. Kristie asked the membership to remember Gerry Nelson a long standing member who recently died.
Scholarship: Karen Bielski- no report
Ways and Means: Cathy Rex/ Vicky Dean: no report
Communications: Tammy Chiovari: Tammy reported that many people are following us on Facebook and visiting the GGC website. She has been posting pictures of club activities on both social media sites and encouraged the membership to visit the sites. She shared with the membership a video presentation.
Legislation: Glorianne Campbell: no report
Publicity: Julie Brown: Julie was introduced as the new Chairman for this year.
Hospitality: Jane Martin/Jane Foster: All visitors and members were welcomed. Thank you to all members for the delicious salads and to the Board for the dessert table and the centerpieces.
Always on Tuesday: Kathy Wengonowitz: no report. Deb Notaro complimented all those who hosted an event. The program was very successful and well attended.
Historian: Annette Barnes/Ginny Dushney: no report
Assemblage: Linda Brodine: no report
Garden Walk: 2017 Mary Stavenhagen/Susan Vanderveen: Mary reported that the theme for the 2017 Garden Walk will be “All about Diversity”. This theme will be well reflected in the gardens chosen so far. The following gardens have been selected so far: Tammy Chiovari/Millcreek, Jim and Carla Lynch/Dunstan Rd./The Gardens @ Arden Court Geneva, The Natural Garden Park on the River north, and the Geneva Garden Club Park. Two more gardens are in the works and will be announced at a later date. Mary and Susan asked for a volunteer to join the committee as a co-chair to concentrate on the technology aspects of the walk ( tickets, brochures and maps, etc.). They asked the membership to consider this request and get back to them if they are interested. Mary reported that they continue to review the results of the survey completed by the membership and are open to suggestions and comments. The results of the survey will be shared at a later date.
Community Service Projects: Chris Shaw: Chris reported that the GGC Knuckle is in the top 3 nominees for the Tour de Fleur Award. The final winner will be announced at the Festival of the Vine. Chris reported that we will be responsible for the Fall and Winter planters at the Geneva History Center. We will continue to share involvement with Pottawatomie Garden Club for the planters at Living Well Cancer Center and the CASA planters at the Courthouse in Geneva. Chris reported that we will alternate years with Pottawatomie for the fall and winter planters at these sites since they are more costly.
Geneva Garden Club Park: Linda Brodine: Linda presented a report dealing with the refurbishing and re- planting of the Garden Club Park. The main objective will be to get the garden ready for the Garden Walk 2017. Linda reported that a Master Plan for the Garden was created by Debbie Notaro and will be approved by the Board at the September 27th . The plan will be followed closely. New plantings will be added according to the Master Plan . Plants that are not doing well due to location will be transplanted and plants that are not drought resistant will be removed. The plan was available at the meeting for members to review. Linda addressed the need of a water source for the garden and the condition of the soil. She reported that along with the new plantings, mulch and compost will be added to create a better growing environment and promote better drainage for the plants. She reported this needs to be done since the ground is so hard and dry and whatever moisture the garden does receive from rain just washes off onto the paths. It would be helpful if members saved empty gallon milk and water jugs as watering cans for the Garden. Work is progressing on the Garden and members will be notified by e-mail shortly about a work day in the next week. The final planting day will be Saturday, Sept 24th. Linda also shared the enthusiasm she has experienced from the public regarding the garden.
Awards Chair: Deb Hall-Reppan: Deb reported she is investigating awards for various projects the club is taking on. She will be applying to the Garden Club of Illinois and the National Garden Club and submitting the necessary documentation.
Deb also reported on the Big Sister special committee and introduced the four members of the committee wearing Big Sister badges. Deb explained the purpose of the committee is to welcome new members and to introduce them to other members and to make their transition into the club smooth and pleasant. Deb Notaro used this opportunity to introduce the New Member Quick-Start Guide to Understand GGC that all members received with their membership packet. Deb asked the membership to review the guide and make suggestion they deem necessary to the Board. The president also shared a note of appreciation from the employees of the Living Well Cancer Resource Center in Geneva. She extended a Thank-You to all Board Members and recognized them for all their hard work and dedication.
Other Business:
Members Share: sharing information
Glorianne Campbell: History Center BBQ AT THE MUSEUM on September 15th. Encouraged members to attend and support this worthwhile fundraiser.
Tammy Chiovari: Commented on the new plantings done by the Geneva Park District in the wetlands area in Millcreek. The plantings look great and are very impressive.
Mary Stavenhagen: Mary had plants to share with the members. She shared with the membership an article that appeared recently in the Chicago Tribune highlighting Kay McNeill and her mission on behalf of the Monarch butterfly and the milkweed preservation and planting program in Illinois. She also shared information on the Monarch license plate program recently approved by the governor. Proceeds from the sale of the license plates will help support this program throughout the State.
Mary also shared information regarding the Sandwich Garden Club Walk on September 17th. She encouraged members to attend since it is a chance to see gardens in the Fall.
Jane Martin: recognized club member Julie Maturo for a “above and beyond” award for her work on the Spring plant sale. Julie donated over 200 plants to the sale from her own garden and those of her family.
Club also recognized Kathy Rex, Chris Shaw, Deb Hall-Reppan, Linda Brodine and all who worked so hard to make the Spring Plant sale a success.
A motion was made by Glorianne Campbell to adjourn the meeting at 1:55 PM and was seconded by Deb Hall-Reppen.
Respectfully submitted by Acting Secretary Maryann Snook